Financial Administrative Services
TABS FAS Team provides a full-range of services that takes the guesswork out of navigating the ever shifting landscape of federal-, state-, and local financial regulations. Maintaining proper financial records is critical to every business. The TABS FAS Team has experience and knowledge to assess what records and information is required and how they are to be maintained and reported. Don’t rely upon trial and error to reinvent the wheel – rely upon our local knowledge and services.
TABS can customize a plan to meet the specific needs of your foreign owned organization. Whether that is supplementing your existing efforts or acting as your accounting department, TABS has the expertise to keep your focus on growth and development. Our range of services include:
Bookkeeping Services
TABS FAS Team offers customized bookkeeping and financial reporting services. Your corporate bookkeeping can be kept up to date on a weekly, monthly or as needed basis. TABS FAS Team sets up your bookkeeping software and maps your chart of accounts to coordinate with and facilitate integration into your consolidated books. We have knowledge and experience with applications (time keeping, sales tax, expense tracking etc.) that are compatible with your preferred bookkeeping software.
Tax Support Services
TABS FAS Team provides administrative support and management of corporate income and sales tax filings. Knowing the tax regulations for each state where your company transacts business is of critical importance. TABS FAS Team assesses your business activities and advises whether and when you need to start collecting and remitting sales tax. TABS maintains a network of CPAs with experience in all sectors. These relationships, and the purchasing power that goes with them, allow us to tailor our accounting services to fit your needs and budget. As we work with your financial department to prepare your books, we can manage the process to ensure that we’re utilizing the time of those CPAs as efficiently as possible.
Banking Services
TABS FAS Team helps open bank accounts in the United States on your behalf and manages those accounts. We have experience with financial institutions across the US and can recommend which is the best fit for your needs as a foreign owned entity.
Check Handling Services
TABS provides a full range of check handling services. Paying by check is still a preferred method by many in the US. TABS FAS Team receives, scans and deposits these checks on your behalf keeping you informed every step of the way.
Credit Card Processing Services
TABS FAS Team understands that when conducting business in the United States it may be vital to your business success to be able to accept credit card payments. For foreign owned businesses, opening a merchant account in the United States can be very difficult. TABS has established relationships with merchant account providers in order to help your company overcome these barriers and can assist your company in establishing a merchant account.
Accounts Payable Services
TABS FAS Team provides customized accounts payable services. We receive and process payment on your vendor invoices helping to streamline your vendor payment processes and allow you to focus on your mission-critical business goals.
When necessary, TABS can facilitate with payments to the tax authorities as these organizations cannot be paid with (international) money wires.
- 01THE RESEARCH & PLANNINGAorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur bas adipisicing elit sed dui eiusmod temp inciduntut labore.
- 02IMPLEMENTATIONDorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur bas adipisicing elit sed dui eiusmod temp inciduntut labore.
- 03KEEPING TRACKCorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur bas adipisicing elit sed dui eiusmod temp inciduntut labore.